Here are some excellent tips for dating a Gemini male or female.
1.Fist impression is the most important
While dating a Gemini always keep this in mind that for them the first impression is the most important. Be sure that you are dressed your best and be very careful about the way you talk and behave.
People born under the zodiac sign of Gemini love to meet new people and they are very communicative and like to talk a lot. When you are on a date with them, try to listen more than you talk. Do not ever try to dominate the conversation.
3.Do not show aggression
Gemini people just can not stand any kind of aggression or rude people. If they are caught in any tense situation then they would surely escape from that situation. So, always remember this while dating a Gemini.
4.Invite them to a social place
Gemini people are easily impressed by variety, intelligence and social connections. If you want to really win their heart then take them for a movie, sports events or concerts because they love lively places.
5.Respect their freedom
Gemini people love their freedom very much. They hate those people who pose any kind of hindrance to their freedom. They can not be forced into a relationship. They would take their own time to get interested in you. So, never try to force a Gemini into a relationship with you.
6.They are creative and fun loving
Gemini's are very creative and fun loving people. Never try to say or do something in their presence that is boring. While dating a Gemini keep in mind that you also need to be as lively as they are.
7.Gemini are never very punctual
Gemini's are never very punctual, so never expect them to arrive on time for a date. Your date can also be broken without prior notice and do not be surprised if you date turns into a social gathering.
8.They will not call you daily
A Gemini is not that kind of person that would call or meet you daily. If you force them too much then they will probably get bored of you, and then would gradually loose interest in you.
These are some tips that you must surely follow in order to have success while dating a Gemini.